Thursday, 31 March 2011

Could the theory of Standardisation be applied to modern cinema/film?

During the 1940's, Theodor W. Adorno developed an essay explaining his theory where popular modern music was being developed under a certain characteristic, that of standardisation. “A clear judgement concerning the relation of serious music to popular music can be arrived at only by strict attention to the fundamental characteristic of popular music: standardisation." (Adorno 1941). Standardisation is a fundamental attribute to the culture industry, it provides a blue print to the structure of many different forms of popular culture. Dominic Strinati studied Adorno's theory and how it applies itself to the audiences of popular culture; “Industrially, cultural production is a process of standardisation, whereby the products acquire the form common to all commodities – like 'the Western', familiar to every movie-goer. But it also conveys a sense of individuality to each product 'affects and individual air'. This attribution of individuality to each product, and therefore to each consumer, serves to obscure the standardisation and consciousness practised by the culture industry” (Strinati 1995, pp.62-63). The individuality which Strinati speaks of is the concept of pseudo individualism, an ideological process which masks standardisation and passively convinces a viewer/listener that their attention is focused on something 'new'.

Adorno explained how the structure of popular music began to follow the same set pattern, in order to reignite that familiarity audiences would have from one song to the next. To an extent, an ideology is formed where the target demographic perceives the standardized music as the next 'must-listen' and therefore becoming popular. The basic song structures remain very similar and certain characteristics are manipulated to form some 'shallow' variation of one song to the next; “Standardization extends from the most general features to the most specific ones. Best known is the rule that the chorus consists of thirty two bars and that the range is limited to one octave and one note” (Adorno 1941). Strinati's study on Adorno and popular culture also states how standardised entertainment can be labelled with capitalist ideologies, the 'social cement' of popular culture enlightens the public to the commodities for which they don't have yet would want, adjusting people to the realities of their every day lives “Popular music and film do not actually function to deny this awareness, but they do act to reconcile people to their fate. The fantasies and happiness, the resolutions and reconciliations, offered by popular music and film make people realise how much their real lives lack these qualities...” (Strinati 1995, pp.69).

The introduction of Radio during the first quarter of the 1900's, particularly at the time of Adorno's writing, can be seen as a primary source for standardised music due to the nature of broadcasting. Meanwhile, moving image/silent film was growing technologically and during the 1930's, cinema was reaching new heights and coined the 'Studio Era' (or Golden Age). In 1927 'The Jazz Singer' was released to critical success due to the introduction of sound to mainstream film. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Warner Brothers, Twentieth Century Fox and many other studio's rose to prominence and began funding a 'factory line' of movies, producing cycles of films in imitation of previous originals. Themes ranged from costume drama's, westerns, musicals, mysteries, comedies and Broadway shows. Thousands of actors and staff were on set salaries and, despite substantial investment by the Studios, profits were huge (nearing $2 Billion in 1946).

Hundreds of theatres were owned by many of the major Hollywood studio's across America, and each of them required new material in order to match demand. This high earning 'studio system' was accompanied by the first major form of censorship in mainstream cinema, the Hays code. It was introduced in 1930 but wasn't enforced until 1934. Hays code was a set of censorship guidelines created by Will Hays due to threat from Government overruling/boycott, in response to the sexual natures of some early film, such as 'She Done Him Wrong'.

With marketing and censorship values in place, Hollywood grew into a successful business empire by using the standardised formulas of film. Regarding the technicalities, a classical narrative is a particular reoccurring element to film, where a character(s) are presented with a significant obstacle in which they must over come before fulfilling their desires. In almost all cases, these were fulfilled. Linear narration was also somewhat imperative, with any back story and/or past events told in 'flashbacks'. As the industry grew, so did the expertise of film editors. Continuous editing became naturalised in Hollywood film, sparing single shot scenes for multi angled, eye line perspectives, in order to emphasize character expressions and details; “continuity editing gradually replaced single-shot scenes because the film-makers could provide better clarity for the viewer. Individual character expressions and details could be emphasized via closer views exactly at the moments when they were most significant to our understanding of the plot.” (David Bordwell, 2010)

Of course, many relevant social aspects affected the formulas of mid twentieth century film. Racism and sexism were still unchallenged aspects of American society and so were often prevalent themes in Hollywood. Female cast were secondary to male and only served to compliment their male counterparts, whereas racism emerged from the ignorance to particular cultures beyond American shores. For example, in the 1932 film 'White Zombie', the protagonist discusses the whereabouts of his newly-wed after she has been captured and poisoned by local Haitian natives, only to remark that he wishes her dead than to be at the disposal of the locals; “Surely you don't think she's alive, in the hands of natives. Oh no! Better dead than that” (White Zombie, 1932). Censorship and family values also restricted the content that movies could show/imply, such as any sexual suggestion being forbidden unless the characters were married.

Throughout the twentieth century, Hollywood's domination became inconsistent. The arrival of Television in the 1950's caused a decline in cinema attendance, and so the 'Studio Era' was coming to an end. The rate of film production began to slow down and by the late 1950's/early 60's, films began to adopt more mature themes (similar those pre-Hays Code in the early 30's) until 1966 where a 'suggestion for mature audiences' was introduced as an advertising label. During this transition, the frequency of standardization became less apparent and various films began to challenge the typical structure and conventions of mainstream cinema. Alfred Hitchcocks 'Psycho' (1960) had a particularly large portion of it's runtime devoted to developing the female lead character of Marion Crane, only for her to be murdered in the infamous shower scene. Initially, the mix of genre and disrupted narrative generated mixed reactions and reviews, as it was such a deviation from the standards in popular culture, but a successful box office return prompted a re-review. In turn, Hollywood subsumed the innovations of 'Psycho' and in due time these aspects were to form the 'slasher' genre.

Over the following years, popular culture had become integral for capitalist profit and American cinema began to regain it's previous success and dominance. After the initial success of films such as 'Halloween' (1978), many more films of similar genre conventions followed suit in order to 'cash in' and repeat success. One example would be 'Friday the 13th' (1980), an instant response by Paramount Pictures to the emergence and popularity of the 'psycho slasher' genre. The structure is as similar and standardised as 'Halloween', and it's unique properties such as the 'back story' of 'Jason Vorhees' is pseudo individualism.

In the present day, Americanisation can be considered a homogenizing influence to popular culture on a global scale. With it came the same capitalist ideologies and standardised structures, associated with Hollywood, on a market which has had less exposure, as stated in the work by John Storey “... popular culture has been socially and institutionally central in America for longer and in a more significant way than in Europe.” (Storey 2001 pp.9). In effect, all this means is that Hollywood cinema has gained a much larger margin for profit across continents. With this in mind, Hollywood studios have been able to resume the 'production line' of films whilst yielding large profits and enough funding to inject back into the industry to 'churn' out more. Much of the newest line of films retain the same standardised characteristics of old, yet the 'veneer' of individualisation and ideologies keeps most film significantly dissimilar enough so to maintain popularity.

Hollywood has now entered a new spectrum with the seemingly endless line of remade films and sequels, particularly in the horror genre, which are capitalising on the success of their previous incarnations. Remakes are often extremely similar to their older counterparts yet are merely updated with present day, relatable ideologies and commodities. 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' (2010) is a good example of this, as a standardised remake of the 1984 film of the same name. The original followed the 'Halloween' formula of 'psychotic killer versus teenagers' whereas the new version is near identical, but with updated special effects and a more relatable, modern cast. Much like the 80's version, the film is set in quaint, modern American suburbia and the teenage cast naively attempt to survive against a supernatural antagonist.

Along with remakes, an over abundance of sequels is very much still a fundamental technique in 'milking' a particular franchise. So much so that some films have annual releases at particular times of the year in order to provide and suit the demand of the public. 'Saw' (2004) was a serial killer 'thriller' about a set of characters trying to escape situations of danger which they had been left in. The film gained praise and financial success due to it's variation on the 'thriller' genre and substantial plot twists. As a result, by 2010, 'Saw' became a franchise with 6 sequels to follow from 2004. Each film is a continuation of the last and follows the exact same formula as the rest, introducing (mainly new) protagonists left in torturous situations followed by a 'twist' in the narrative. The Saw sequels are released annually during October, and marketed and hyped for the Halloween season due to the public's desire for horror films during that period. One of the significant selling points of the 'Saw' franchise is the extreme amount of gore and torture which the characters suffer, yet the films have become so standardised that the 'shock factor' is diminished with each release and the public desensitised. To counter this, Lions Gate Entertainment merely increase the amount of gore and imaginative, far-fetched devices used to kill rather than change the structure and narrative.

Over decades of standardised film, popular culture has managed to maintain and meet consumer demand successfully. This could perhaps be seen as a foreshadowing to the direction we'll see film go in the future. The continuity of standardisation can be viewed detrimental to the art form and consumers reactions to modern cinema demonstrate the effects of 'the power of the culture industry's ideology is such that conformity has replaced consciousness.' No longer do the public question, critique and desire unique experiences within entertainment but conform to what mass culture presents to them. “This drive to conformity tolerates no deviation from, or opposition to, nor an alternative vision of, the existing social order. Deviant, oppositional and alternative ways of thinking and acting become increasingly impossible to envisage as the power of the culture industry is extended over peoples minds.” (Strinati 1995, pp.63-64). It is safe to say that standardisation is as prevalent in modern cinema as it was in it's inception and in some sense more so. This is mainly down to the commercial appeal of Americanisation and the conformity which popular culture insists.

Thankfully, there are outlets for originality beyond that of popular culture and Hollywood. American Independent Cinema is becoming a more recognised source of individual film, gaining recognition from such events as Cannes Film Festival. American Independent Cinema is the result of many film makers choosing to produce their work outside of Hollywood jurisdiction and formula, and thus gains quite a cult following and sometimes decent commercial success. It is also considered a popular outlet for rising actors and actresses, many of them starring in independent film before going on to Hollywood recognition.

Digital distribution of the modern age has become a beneficial source for various film, including those made in different countries. Much like Roger Ebert predicted in 1987 “Ninety percent of the American motion-picture marketplace never shows art films. With this revolution in delivery and distribution, anyone, in any size town or hamlet, will see the movies he or she wants to see.” (Ebert, 1987). Perhaps the future of cinema will be less bleak in order to evolve and compete with the exposure and information an individual can claim from within their own homes.


Motion Picture Production Code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2011. Motion Picture Production Code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 February 2011].

Classical Hollywood cinema - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2011. Classical Hollywood cinema - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 February 2011].

David Bordwell's Website on Cinema, 2010. The Classical Hollywood Cinema Twenty-Five Years Along. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 February 2011]

Soundscapes, 2000. On Popular Music. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2011]

Dika, V., (2003). Recycled Culture in Contemporary Art and Film. Cambridge: University of Cambridge.

D.Strinati, (1995). Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture. 1 Edition. London: Routledge.

J. Storey, (2000). Cultural Theory, Popular Culture: An Introduction. 3rd Edition. Essex: Henry Ling Ltd

The Top Ten Standard Hollywood Movie Plots - Writer's Corner: Satire - 2011. The Top Ten Standard Hollywood Movie Plots - Writer's Corner: Satire - [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 March 2011].

Roger Ebert correctly predicts the future of movies in 1987 - Movie News | 2011. Roger Ebert correctly predicts the future of movies in 1987 - Movie News | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 March 2011].

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Portfolio Task 7- Constructing the Other

Compile an annotated photo essay that analyses the visual and linguistic construction of a specific other within a magazine, journal, periodical or newspaper of your choice. You could focus on gender, race, class, sexuality, fashion, etc but make sure that you comment on how the construction of such an 'other' secures and stabilises the identity, and sense of self, of the publication's core audience.

The Sun 16 February 2010

This is an article from The Sun detailing the 'John Terry saga' after his personal life was exposed in the build up to the World Cup. Viewers of the article are immediately drawn to the headlined "JT'S GOT WAHEY WITH IT". The term 'wahey' is common British slang referring to playful, sexual natures. Partnered with the photo of John and his wife embraced on a sunny holiday, it conveys a sense of relaxation and sex between a couple. However, with John Terry's back turned to the viewer and the "WIFE KISSES CHEAT TERRY" headline above the photo, it's as if the article is trying to engineer a sense of envy and disgust towards him. Having your back turned can be considered 'rude' in certain circumstances, and the choice of photo seems to highlight a lack of respect from John Terry.

Being on the front page, the information disregards the Footballing aspect. In this sense, people of both genders can apply themselves seeing as Football is particularly male orientated. The Sun has constructed a soap operah-esque situation out of the personal lives of sportsmen, typical of British media. Footballers are often associated with large sums of money, and even the advertisments replicate this association. The 'Euro Holiday' segment corresponds to the holidaying of John and his wife, whilst the 'Brit Lottery win' demonstrates his possible bank balance.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Portfolio Task 6- Sustainability & Capitalism

Read the text- Balser, E (2008) 'Capital Accumulation, Sustainability & Hamilton Ontario'. We have copies in the CTS office, 115, and also in the Vis Comm studio.

Write a 500 word critical summary of the text which explicitly adresses the following questions

1. How is sustainability defined in the text?

Sustainability is defined as a response the current environmental crisis. The idea of sustainability is to maintain our current resources without harming the environment, such as the overuse of tree cutting and atmosphere pollution. Development which meets the needs of the present, without compromising the future.

2. What are the main characteristics or tendencies of Capitalism

Capitalism as a structure has a few significant characteristics, such as the constant search for new things to commodify and constant expansion for the sake of profit. Capitalism thrives in creating then subsuming the other.

3. Define a 'crisis of Capitalism'. Offer an example.

A 'crisis of capitalism' is the occurance of a production halt. It is a result of over production and consumption to the point where there's nothing else to resource for profit. Therefore new methods are conceived in order to pass as a 'new solution' for sustainability. For example, in Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' there's a strong campaign for the realisation of consuming the Earths natural resources and global warming, yet the key solution for it all is the purchasing of electronic cars and new (expensive) Bio Fuels. 'Spend money to save the world' in a sense.

4. What solutions have been offered to the sustainability question? Are these successful or realistic? - If not why are they flawed?

In the text, four solutions are put across for businesses to become sustainable. The first regards the reduction of waste from more efficient resourcing and the second states a need to use environmentally friendly, non toxic, materials and methods of production. The third suggests a restructure of typical business models, focusing on providing a service rather than a product to sell. The fourth is the reinvestment into human and natural capital, sustaining primary ecosystems.

In theory, these solutions would solve much of an impending resource crisis. However the restructure in capitalist business dynamics would require an expensive and arduous overhaul. It's also apparent that the production of the new technologies (to aid sustainability) are infact harmful to the environment themselves.

5. Is the concept of sustainability compatible with Capitalism?

The concept of sustainability and capitalism working alongside one another is far fetched. Currently, being 'green' is a capitalist marketing ploy to gain profit from resource crisis. Consumers buy into the technologies offered as a solution to dwindling energy resources. The global network of businesses, processes of transport and production of technology are, in themselves, detrimental to the environment, yet this effect is also what's earning businesses money. Capitalism is trying to market sustainability first, 'save the world' last.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Portfolio Task 5- Lefebvre & Space

In 300-400 words, use Lefebvre's Spatial triad (see below) to conduct a critical reading of one Social Space in or around Leeds.

Leeds Millennium Square is located right in the centre of Leeds town. The square is a £12m production to mark the year 2000. It's surrounded by local landmarks such as Leeds City Museum, Town Hall and General Infirmary. Not only these but near access to restaurants (Whetherspoons, Revolution and Spice Quarter). Millennium Square's location provides simple access between districts and is a key area for pedestrian movement, with openings (and exits) into the wide public space from each side. The space is represented by it's open plan layout, bordered by grand buildings, and uses cleverly situated walls, steps and bollards to deter any auto-mobile traffic. Pedestrians are invited to take time in the area due to several benches dotted around the square.

Concerning the 'practise of space', many public events are held in the square and these are easily encountered by the flow of the public across the square. The landmarks provide tourist attention whilst the useful location provides convenient short-cuts for various members of the public such as students and workers. Annual events such as the German Market, music concerts, Ice skating rink and sometimes significant sporting events are hosted on the Square. The constant traffic of people leads to very successful and worthwhile opportunity for theses events to return.

The relaxed modern design and aesthetics of the square, complemented by grand steps and 'greenery', provides a desirable social space for when such events aren't held. Initially Millennium Square would have been ideal for a constant circulation of events, but having the only cash-point in the area and several restaurants means there is a consistent flow of people regardless. The varying routine of the public affects the representational space. Tourists, for example, will interact more so with the surrounding buildings whereas locals are more inclined to use the space for daily functions.

Portfolio Task 4: Essay Ideas

Could the theory of Standardization be applied to modern cinema/film?

- Adorno's writings, culture industry and mass culture.
- The affect of Standardization in commerical entertainment, from music to film.
- Standardized structure of film during early-mid twentieth century Hollywood.
- The popularity of standardized film in correlation to social contexts of the time, up until present.
- One example of a standardized Movie.
- Has standardisation adapted or remained the same?

Dika, V.,(2003). Recycled Culture in Contemporary Art and Film. Cambridge: University of Cambridge.

- For an insight on any particular reocurring themes and structures.

Strinati, D.,(2003). An Introduction to the Theories of Popular Culture, 7th ed. London: Routledge.

- Understanding and evaluating popular culture

Storey, J.,(2001). Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, 3rd ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

- Different perspective on popular culture

Soundscapes, 2000. On Popular Music. [online] Available at:[Accessed 27 February 2011]

- Adorno's theory of music standardisation

Portfolio Task 3- Semiotic Analysis

Write a 300-400 word semiotic analysis of this Sun front cover. Make sure that your analysis highlights all of the key signifiers, and what they denote and connote. Also, try to highlight any examples of myth that you can see- what ideologies or cultural prejudices are naturalised by the text?. Also, pay attention to paradigmatic and syntagmatic structures and suggest how these shape our reading. Try to outline who the text is trying to communicate, and what cultural codes it relies on to do this. Pay attention to the interrelation of text and image. Pay close attention to the language used in both headline and text.


This Sun newspaper article is a typical example of how 'red top' newspapers use Semiotics to shape our reading and response to the subject matter.

The article heading of 'Gotcha' is an immediate signifier, spelled out in capitals with a high Pt, which sets the tone of the one sided syntagmatic structured article. Gotcha is a slang term which denotes 'got you' but has casual and relatable connotations towards the working class consumer. Underneath the heading, the article is divided by the imagery of attacked Argentine warships and paradigmatic introduction of the article. Again, both the images and introduction are key signifiers which inform readers of the conflict, but with a strong sense of national pride. The language used in the image captions, particularly 'crippled', denotes the defeat of Argentine warships yet connotes a patronising, sporting-like advantage. All whilst swerving the topic of lives lost on the boats. The article introduction uses key signifiers in the informal use language, addressing the British soldiers as 'our lads' for example.

“WALLOP: They torpedoed the 14,000 ton Argentina cruiser General Belgrano and left it a useless wreck.”

The casual language approach contradicts the heavy nature of war, the use of the word 'wallop' denotes that of a strong impact yet the connotations gear towards a punch in a fist fight, which is a more relatable situation for those unfamiliar with the seriousness of warfare. “Our Navy has the Argies on their knees” demonstrates a patriotic pride in 'our' Royal Navy whilst undermiming the Argentines by referring to them as 'Argies', which sets up an 'us and them' ideology to the readers. These outdated ideologies could relate back to previous conflict, such as the term 'jerries' used by Americans during World War 2 to refer to the Germans. The semiotics of the article are a recycling of national patriotism, used to encourage the British public to back the conflict and defeat 'them'.

Portfolio Task 2- On Popular Music

Quickly read Adorno's (1941) article 'On Popular Music' (links below). In no more than a few paragraphs, summarise his ideas on pop music, concentrating on highlighting key points such as 'standardisation' etc. Post a link to a YouTube pop video that, in your opinion, epitomises adorno's sentiments. explain why, trying to emphasise the links to the wider 'culture industry' in general.


Theodor W. Adorno theorised that popular music of the time was subjected to standardization, and thus a particular deviation from what he calls 'serious' (Classical) music - “The whole structure of popular music is standardized, even where the attempt is made to circumvent standardization”. The idea was that popular music recycled the basic structures of previous popular songs and reapplied them so that they were 'familiar' to audiences, even when seemingly differential.

Adorno argues that standardization adds nothing creative and fundamentally new to music. Instead the masses are subdued to slight variations of novelty, comic and love songs, which are relative to the current fashions, commodities and social themes (such as male dominance). These attributes of standardised music allow a listener to familiarise and enjoy popular music, whilst pseudo-individualism causes an overlook of the same basic commercial song structures and melodies.



Ne Yo - One in a Million

- Typical standardized song structure of R&B love songs; Prominent 'clap beat', chorus-verse-chorus structure, song tempo and vocal notes are apparent in all songs of this type. The song hooks and individual melodies overlap this song structure, an example of pseudo-individualism.

- R&B is popular on commercial radio and as dance music for targeting familiar audiences, and like most R&B, this song plays on the sexual chemistry of males and females.

- Simple narrative to the video as the males are entertaining the mute, objectified pretty females and then Ne Yo himself goes lengths to impress a female, including inciting jealousy as he dances with other females.

- High class fashion and an admirable looking male and female cast are examples of capitalist ideologies and commodities.

Portfolio Task 1- Panopticism

Choose an example of one aspect of contemporary culture that is, in your opinion, panoptic. Write an explanation of this, in approximately 200-300 words, employing key Foucauldian language, such as 'Docile Bodies' or 'self-regulation, and using not less than 5 quotes from the text 'Panopticism' in Thomas, J. (2000) 'Reading Images', NY, Palgrave McMillan.


Panopticism has expanded into almost every corner of modern society since the days of it's inception. We live in a disciplinarian age, where public sectors and buildings are regulated and controlled by architectural layout and hidden close circuit television. "He is seen, but he does not see". In a working environment, in schools and even as pedestrians, we self regulate under the acknowledgement that we're under surveillance.

As individuals, we are 'tuned' to conform to the rules of society at fear of being scrutinized and punished by the omnipresent observation,“permanent visibility assures the automatic functioning of power”. However we can never guarantee we, as individuals, are being watched at any given moment so our actions are controlled via self discipline.

Examples of panopticism can be acknowledged in everyday life. Supermarkets for example specialise in regulated control of masses of consumers. “The panoptic mechanism arranges spatial unities that make it possible to see constantly and to recognize immediately”, the layouts are almost always square or rectangular, with designated entrances and exits,vivid lighting and strategically placed CCTV on high ceilings. Stores also set the shelving units and fridge/freezers out in a grid like system so consumers proceed around at constant 90 degree angles.

The Panopticon structure let supervisors observe captives without being seen “by the affect of back lighting, one can observe from the tower, standing out precisely against the light'. The design of the CCTV camera is akin to that of the panoptic observatory, where we can assume that we're being watched but can't necessarily tell due to the dark translucent dome placed over the ceiling mounted cameras.

We conform to the supermarket environment, and under such visibility and surveillance we subject ourselves to the power overhead. This not only applies to consumers, but staff too. Both sets of individuals will be monitored for 'rule deviation' and work rate, “visibility is a trick” so staff are less likely to communicate, as are shoppers. Whether this amount of exposure is ethical, remains in debate. First and foremost, apparently, surveillance is for our safety. However, the balance seems to sway in that of regulation. Consumers are more likely to maintain discipline and avoid theft, than a parent to feel safe without their children within a yard of them.